Personal Blog by Rahma

Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush Pink Glow

This is my old stuff. It’s been there in my beauty box for like 2 years and I have not used it until I do this review. Yeah, I’m weird. Love beauty stuff but dislike doing make-up on my face., I just like to ‘taste’ it.
Produk ini bukan produk baru. Udah lama juga ada di kotak kecantikan, jarang dipakai karena jarang dandan. Kasihan kalau dibiarin aja, jadi saya kasih tulisan untuk blush oriflame ini....

I bought this Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush because I was curious about cream blush. How does it feel applying a cream blush? Will it be more easier than powder blush? Yeah, I was in transition between “anti-makeup” and “beauty stuffs lover” time. So I had many questions in my mind.
Saya iseng iseng beli, soalnya aneh. Kok ada ya blush on yang bentuknya krim? Gimana pakainya ya? Iya, saya masih bloon saat itu hehe pas udah dibeli malah dibiarin gitu aja.
As you can see in the picture below, this cream blush’s package is a 20 mL-trasnparant tube. The price was 45.000IDR or around $4 after discount. The original price was 50.000IDR/$5. To get this, I had to wait for 1 week after ordering. You can’t find MLM product like this in stores. Order from Oriflame beauty agent and it will be sent to you. Good thing if you live in a city, I live in a village. Even Google maps can’t find it...
Blush ini bentuknya krim yang dikemas dalam tube transparan berukuran 20 mL. Untuk mendapatkanya, kita harus menghubungi agen kecantikan Oriflame. Agak ribet memang kalau beli produk MLM. Apalagi saya tinggal di daerah. Nunggu seminggu dari orderan, baru dapat deh barangnya. Saya beli ini ketika diskon, harganya 45.000IDR atau sekitar $4-an lah, dari harga aslinya sekitar 50.000IDR. Nah, itu lah kelebihan produk MLM, banyak diskon dan promonya.

There are three shades, I recall, soft peach (it’s orange-based color), berry color, and pink. I picked the pink, named Pink Glow. At first I was a bit disappointed,  it looked like hot pink, heavy pink, plus it is cream which i did not know how to apply. not my style at all.
Cream blush ini memiliki beberapa varian warna, peach, berry, dan pink. Yang saya ambil adalah warna dasar pink, Pink Glow. Sekilas warna nya memang sangat pink. Yang tidak biasa dandan menor pasti takut untuk pakainya, apalagi bentuknya yang krim. Jangan khawatir cream blush tidak seseram itu kok.

But I was surprised, this color was not that heavy. The cream is light on skin and moist. In the catalogue, they said this blush is intended for natural look. It has Illuma Fairtm effect that will glow on you skin make it fit for our natural look. Take a look closer at the cream. There are some glitter in it.
Tekstur Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush ini ringan dan lembab, tidak seperti powder yang kering. Dalam katalog yang saya baca dulu pun, mereka mengklaim bahwa blush ini akan terlihat alami di pipi. Efek alami ini disebabkan oleh Illuma Fairtm . Kalau kita perhatikan lebih teliti, di dalam krimnya itu terdapat bling-bling nya, semacam glitter gitu.
This Illuma Fairtm  effect makes your skin more shiny (in pinky way). The finishing itself is like glossy, it makes the skin fresh. Well, at first attempt it is so pink and I blend blend blend, and it becomes pale. You just need a little of the cream for each cheek.
Efeknya membuat kulit ‘bersinar’, berseri. Finishingnya glossy gak matte sehingga membuat muka lebih segar. Nah walaupun pada awal mengolesnya dia berwarna pink berat, tapi perlahan dia pudar. Asal jangan ditamplokin banyak aja. Sebesar biji jagung cukup kok. Nih lihat, yang tadinya tangan saya berwarna pink pekat, lama-lama saya blend jadi pudar.

This is me with this blush. Apply, a little of the cream to get natural look. OMG, I dislike seeing my selfie.
Kalau di saya jadinya begini. Cuma pakai sedikit saja.

How to apply cram blush?

You can use fingers, brush or beauty blender to apply Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush. The steps are the same. I usually use fingers. Put some cream blush on palm, blend it with two fingers. Apply the blush stain on the fingers to the apples of cheeks. Beauty blender is used when I apply too much cream, just to make it more natural. Ok, here is a tutorial video to apply a cream blush.
Untuk mengaplikasikan Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush ini bisa menggunakan beauty blender, kuas atau langsung dengan jari. Cara pakainya sih sama aja, oleskan krim pada telapak tangan, ratakan dengan brush, beauty blender atau jari. kemudian aplikasikan blush di alat make-up atau jari ke di pipi. Kalau krimnya sedikit saya ratakan pakai jari saja. Tapi kalau krimnya kebanyakan baru saya pakai beauty blender untuk membuat blush lebih rata dan pudar.  Jika blushnya masih terlihat terlalu banyak, bisa ditimpah dengan bedak. lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi youtube untuk melihat toturial menggunakan cream blush ya :D

how to apply cream blush tutorial

Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush is pretty good for 50.000IDR. I like the pink color, it is cute :3 and looks natural. Thanks to Illuma Fairtm effect that makes skin fresh. That is good for dry skin. Applying this cream blush is easier than powder. Repurchase? I don’t think so. I don’t use full make-up on my face in many occasions (bb cream, powder and lipsticks are enough). For 2 years and I still have full blush in the tube. Maybe, i’ll start to use this blush more often after this. The important reason is the availiability of the product, which is not available in the stores around me. I don’t want to wait for a week only to get a-$5-blush. It is not worth waiting. ooopppss,,,, I just checked Oriflame website, it seems that they don't sell this product anymore.

Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush ini lumayan lah untuk harga di bawah 50k idr. Warna pinknya lucu :3 dan terlihat natural. Efek Illuma Fairtm –nya membuat kulit terlihat segar. Bagus untuk kulit kering. Cara pakainya bisa langsung pakai jari lebih praktis, tapi untuk pemula mungkin lebih enak yang powder deh. Beli lagi gak ya? Enggak.  Saya Jarang pakai full make-up sih, jadi blush ini susah habisnya. Paling saya pakai BB krim, bedak sama lipstick. Selain itu ketersediaan barangnya pun terbatas. Barang ini tidak dijual di toko-toko, saya agak malas mesen plus males nunggu.  I just checked Oriflame website, it seems that they don't sell this product anymore.

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