Personal Blog by Rahma

My Experience with Oriflame Feet Up Foot Scrub

Morning... :D
Akhir-akhir ini langit mendung dan sulit diprediksi. Pagi mendung, siang panas terik tapi dingin, malemnya hujan dan gerah. I don’t know what is happening here, whether it is rainy season or dry season. August should be dry season, but we still have some heavy rain and it came suddenly. The weather is just unpredictable. It caused terrible effect to my feet down there. It was very very dry. Tumit saya sempat pecah-pecah *walaupun gak parah* dan keras, bersisik naga...

Oriflame Foot Scrub
Then, my mom gave me a foot scrub which I gave her long time ago. Oh ternyata foot scrub Oriflame yang dulu saya kasih ke orang tua masih ada. Isinya masih banyak lagi. I got this foot scrub for free after purchasing some Oriflames goodies like 2 years ago. I had not tried it because I didn’t have any problem with my feet. I simply gave it to my parents as they needed it. And, I think I should introduce this foot scrub to you all now as your feet need some care and this scrub works on me. . . saya perkenalkan Oriflame Feet Up Foot Scrub. . . barang lama yang terlupakan XD


Oriflame Foot Scrub

The packaging is a simple tube with orange color. Sayangnya, it’s not flip. Konsepnya kaya kemasan odol. Kalau ingin dibuka tutupnya mesti kita putar dulu. I prefer flip one, lebih praktis. The size is only 75mL, but I assume you will need much time to spend it out. Walaupun ukuranya kurang dari 100ml, setelah 2 tahun berlalu isinya bersisa banyak. Mudah-mudahan sih ya kita enggak perlu banyak pakai yang artinya masalah kulit kaki terselesaikan dengan cepat. For the price, you will have to check Oriflame’s website as it always changes time to time including the availability. Ketersediaan dan harga Oriflame itu sering rubah, jadi akan lebih aman jika kita cek langsung ke websitenya.


Oriflame Foot Scrub

I thought this was a pure natural-based product. Many things that are listed in the ingredients section including paraben and sodium,  Well, there are only 4 substances I recognize as non-chemical substance. Prunus amygdalus dulcis oil (sweet almond oil), Mentha piperita oil (peppermint), juglans regia shell powder (walnut shell powder), and aqua... the walnut shell powder is the scrub. it is known as a natural, gentle exfoliant that is well suited for use in foot and hand scrubs. although there are neroli (bunga buah jeruk) and frangipani (bunga kamboja) written in the package as the scent, but I don't find anything related to them in the ingredients list. So, the scent might be from fragrance, I meant artificial?. 

*All the information of the product are written on the package*

Texture and scent

Oriflame Foot Scrub

Since our foot skin is so thick, this scrub is very rough. It is like gravel. Kasar banget, pas digosok ke kulit rasanya geli, sakit sih enggak. Kulit kaki saya super tebal :v jadi kuat menahan gosokan bertekstur kasar kaya gini. . . and the scent, it smells good. In the package, it is “written aromatic summer” with neroli and Frangipani scents. It’s flowery, and I smell fruit scents as well. Neroli oil is an essential oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree. Its scent is sweet, honeyed and somewhat metallic with green and spicy facets.. So fresh. But for those who dislike fragrance, you might want to avoid this. The scent is quite strong. 
I tried to massage it on my upper palm of my hand, but couldn’t stand the pain. Just want to show you, that this scrub is like a soap. You will get much foam after rubbing it against your skin for some times. The best way to apply this scrub is massage it on wet skin. and of course, don’t forget to rinse off. xD

How did this scrub work for me....?
Okay, I just used this for like 3-5 times, and my feet looks good until now. It smoothens the skin by taking the dry layers off and makes my skin moist. To prevent the dry skin back, I still use this scrub like once or twice a week, or just use if it is needed. And I also use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to lock the moist.

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See you... ^^

rahma e-diary

rahma e-diary

2 komentar

  1. Kira-kira masih dijual gak mbak?

    1. kalau lihat websitenya sekarang,, varian yang ini udah gak ada... tapi foot scrubnya masih tetap ada dengan varian/wangi lain,,
