Personal Blog by Rahma

Contoh Soal TOEFL Reading Comprehension - Part 2

 Question 1-9

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is perhaps not a name that is universally recognized, but Dodgson did achieve enormous success under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. He created this pseudonym from the Latinization, Carolus Ludovicus, of his real given names. It was under the name Lewis Carroll that Dodgson published the children's books Alice's Adventure in Wonderland (1865) and its sequel Through the Looking Glass (1872). Though Dodgson achieved this success in children's literature, he was not an author of children's book by training or profession. His education and chosen field of pursuit were far removed from the field of children's literature and were instead focused on theoretical mathematics.

Dodgson graduated with honors from Christ Church, Oxford, in 1854 and the embarked on a career in the world of academia. He worked as a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford and, later in his career, published a number of theoretical works on mathematics under his own name rather than under pseudonym that he used for his children's stories. He produced a number of texts for students, such as A Syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry (1860), Formulae of Plane Trigonometry (1861), which was notable for the creativity of the symbols that he used to express trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine, and A Guide for the Mathematical Student (1866). In a number of more esoteric works, he championed the principles of Euclid; in Euclid and His Modern Rivals (1879), he presented his ideas on the superiority of Euclid over rival mathematicians in a highly imaginative fashion, by devising a courtroom trial of anti-Euclid mathematicians that he named "Euclid-wreakers" and ultimately finding the defendants guilty as charged. Curiosa Mathematica (1888-1893) made a further defense of Euclid's work, focusing on Euclid's definition of parallel lines. These academic works never had the universal impact of Dodgson's work for children using the name Lewis Carroll, but they demonstrate a solid body of well- regarded academic material.

1. The topic of this passage is
A. the works of Lewis Carroll
B. Charles Dodgson and Euclid
C. the story of Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
D. Dodgson and Carroll: mathematics and children's stories

2. According to the passage, Dodgson
A. did not use his given name on his stories for children
B. used the same name on all his published works
C. used the name Carroll on his mathematical works
D. used a pseudonym for the work about the courtroom trial

3. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
A. "Lewis" is a Latin name.
B. "Lutwidge" is part of Dodgson's pseudonym.
C. "Carolus" is  the Latin version of the name "Charles".
D. "Ludovicus" is part of Dodgson's given name

4. It is NOT stated in the passage that Dodgson
A. attended Christ Church, Oxford
B. studied children's literature
C. was an outstanding student
D. was a published author of academia works

5. What is stated in the passage about the work Formulae of Plane Trigonometry?
A. It portrayed mathematics in a creative way.
B. It was written by Euclid.
C. It was published in 1860.
D. It was one of the texts that Dodgson studied at Oxford.

6. All of the following are stated in the passage about the work Euclid and His Modern Rivals EXCEPT that
A. it was published in 1879
B. it was a highly creative work
C. it described an actual trial in which Euclid participated
D. it described a trial in which "Euclid-wreakers" were found guilty

7. The passage indicates that which of the following works was about Euclid?
A. A syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry
B. Formulae of Plane Trigonometry
C. A Guide for the Mathematical Student
D. Curiosa Mathematica

8. The pronoun "they" in line 22 refers to
A. parallel lines
B. these academic works
C. Dodgson's works for children
D. children

9. What is stated in the passage about Dodgson's academic works?
A. They are all about Euclid.
B. They had an impact on his works for children.
C. They were published under the name Lewis Carroll.
D. They were well received in academic world.

Contoh Soal TOEFL Reading Comprehension

 Question no 1 - 10

    In the first half of the nineteenth century, the U.S government decided that it needed to set up a system for protecting its coastline. It then began building a series of forts along the coast of the eastern part of the country to facilitate its defenses.

    The largest of these forts was Fort Jefferson, which was begun in 1846. This fort was built on Garden Key, one of a cluster of small coral islands 70 miles west of Key West. At the time of its construction, Fort Jefferson was believed to be of primary strategic importance to the United States because of its location at the entryways to the Gulf of Mexico. Because of its location at the entrance to a great body of water, it became known as the Gibraltar of the Gulf, in reference to the island located at the mouth of the Mediterranean. The fort itself was a massive structure. It was hexagonal in shape, with 8-foot thick walls, and was surrounded by a medieval-style moat for added security. Covering most of the Garden Key, it was approximately half a mile in circumference. 

    In the latter half of the nineteenth century, during the Civil War and its aftermath, the for was used as a prison rather than a military installation. The most notorious of its prisoners was Dr. Samuel Mudd, a physician who was most probably innocently involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The actual assassin, John Wikes Booth, broke his leg as he lept from the stage of the Ford Theater during the assassination. Dr. Mudd set Booth's broken leg, unaware of Booth's involvement in the assassination. As a result of this action, Dr. Mudd was sentenced to life in prison and remanded to Fort Jefferson. He was pardoned after only four years because  of his courageous efforts in combating an epidemic of yellow fever that ravaged the fort.

    Continuous use of Fort Jefferson ended in the 1870s, although the U.S Navy continued with sporadic use of it into the twentieth century. Today, the massive ruins still remains on the tiny island that stands guard over the entrance to the gulf, undisturbed except for the occasional sightseer who venture out from the coast to visit.

1. The passage is mainly about

  •     A. a series of forts
  •     B. a series of events at one fort
  •     C. a single event at one fort
  •     D. a series of events at several forts

2. All of the following are true about Fort Jefferson EXCEPT that

  •     A. it is on an island
  •     B. it was built because of its strategic location
  •     C. it is in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico
  •     D. it has been compared with an island at the opening of the Mediterranian

3. The word "hexagonal" in line 9 is closest in meaning to

  •     A. six-sided
  •     B. seven-sided
  •     C. eight-sided
  •     D. irregular in shape

4. The pronoun "it" in line 11 refers to

  •     A. fort
  •     B. shape
  •     C. moat
  •     D. circumference

5. All of the following are stated about Dr. Samuel Mudd EXCEPT that

  •     A. he was a medical doctor
  •     B. he cared for Lincoln's assassin
  •     C. he was imprisoned at Fort Jefferson
  •     D. he was most likely guilty of Lincoln's assassination

6. How was Fort Jefferson most likely used in 1865?

  •     A. As a strategic defensive unit of the U.S military
  •     B. As a penal institution
  •     C. As a regularly functioning naval base
  •     D. As a destination for tourists

7. "Yellow fever" in line 19 is most likely

  •     A. an enemy military forces
  •     B. a prison regime
  •     C. a contagious disease
  •     D. a mental illness

8. What is implied about Fort Jefferson

  •     A. It is a thriving community.
  •     B. It is a relatively quiet place.
  •     C. It is still used by the U.S military.
  •     D. It remains in good condition.

9. Where in the passage does the author describe an injury to the man who shot Lincoln?

  •     A. lines 5-7
  •     B. lines 13-15
  •     C. lines 15-16
  •     D. Lines 18-19

10. The information in the passage is presented

  •     A. in chronological order
  •     B. by listing examples of a concept
  •     C. in spatial order
  •     D. by arguing for a hypothesis

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Saya sempat curhat di tulisan kemarin tentang usaha saya untuk tetap 'cantik' saat masa kehamilan trimester pertama. Saat ini, saya memasuki trimester dua dan keinginan untuk melakukan skincare routine muncul kembali. Memang masih belum seperti masa normal, tapi lumayan lah frekuensi mandi sedikit meningkat dan ada keinginan untuk melakukan double cleansing.

Untuk itu saya menelusuri secara daring mengenai brand yang memproduksi skincare berbahan alami yang aman untuk bumil dan busui. 

Mencari Makna Cantik di Masa Kehamilan

Banyak orang yang bilang saat masa kehamilan kulit wajah cenderung menjadi lebih glowing. Ada yang merasa permasalahan kulit seperti jerawat dan kulit kering perlahan memudar sehingga wajah terlihat bersinar. Namun, ada juga yang mendapatkan pengalaman buruk dimana kulit menjadi lebih sensitif, gatal, atau malah menggelap seperti terbakar matahari. Itu semua tentu erat kaitannya dengan kebiasaan sebelum dan saat hamil serta perubahan hormon di dalam tubuh.

Begitu memasuki masa kehamilan, saya sangat tidak percaya diri dengan penampilan. Semua kebiasaan perawatan kulit dan badan ditinggalkan. Jangankan merawat kulit, mandi pun sangat malas. Mungkin saya mandi 2-3 kali saja seminggu dan hanya fokus pada kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Langkah-langkah beauty routine seperti cleansing, toning, hydrating, dan lainnya saya tinggalkan karena memang tidak terpikirkan sama sekali. Semuanya tersingkirkan oleh rasa mual dan pusing. Ketika ada yang memuji, “wah bumil glowing ya.” Saya hanya senyum saja dan menganggapnya itu sebagai celetukan penyemangat.

Di minggu ke-17 dan ke-18, saya malah agak was-was. Ada beberapa bercak dan perubahan warna kulit yang sangat kontras. Pada bagian paha, mulai muncul banyak bulatan berwarna coklat. Bulatan itu juga muncul di lengan dengan jumlah yang sangat sedikit. Teksturnya sedikit berbeda dengan kulit normal, tapi tidak ada rasa gatal ataupun panas yang menyertai sehingga saya tidak begitu panik.

Di lain pihak, ada juga proses pigmentasi yang mungkin terjadi selama kehamilan. Sering banget kan para ibu-ibu bercerita tentang kulit menggelap atau hiperpigmentasi saat hamil. Saya sendiri merasa ada beberapa bercak yang muncul di wajah, baik itu muncul secara alami atau karena tindakan. Setiap kali saya mengeluarkan komedo atau memencet jerawat, bekas lukanya berubah menjadi bulatan coklat and it stays :’( tidak menghilang hingga sekarang.  

Meskipun sudah paham dengan resiko kemalasan merawat kulit, hati tetap saja merasa sedih. Apalagi saat melihat ibu-ibu hamil yang masih terlihat cetar di media sosial, saya merasa “kalah”. Kenapa mereka terlihat glowing sedangkan saya tidak? Semakin terpikirkan, semakin sedih. 

Nah, di sini lah peran keluarga. Ketika saya curhat tentang masalah kecantikan ini, mereka terus memberikan semangat dan pemahaman. Mereka menuntun saya untuk lebih fokus pada kesehatan. Mengonsumsi suplemen vitamin, buah-buahan, protein dan sayuran. Alhamdulillah 'si janin' lumayan senang dengan makanan sehat. Saya yang tidak suka ikan sekarang malah rajin makan ikan. Bayi juga suka makan telur, susu dan buah-buahan setiap hari.

Peran suami juga sangat amat penting! Meskipun saya tau suami sangat lebay dan alay parah, justru tingkahnya itu yang sering membuat saya tertawa. Pikiran saya tentu teralihkan. Merasa bahagia bisa mengalahkan perspektif yang tidak sehat..

Ketika mood dalam keadaan sangat baik, efek-efek negatif kehamilan tidak begitu mempengaruhi. Bahkan setiap berkaca pun, saya tetap bahagia dengan segala perubahan yang muncul. Wajah semakin bulat, hidung semakin lebar, kulit tidak terawat. Ini semua adalah proses. Saya yakin bisa mengatasi itu semua ketika saatnya tiba. 

Support keluarga yang baik terbukti sangat mempengaruhi mood dan kecantikan. Saya menjadi sadar bahwa saya tidak sendirian dalam proses ini. Ada kakak, bapak, ibu dan mertua yang membantu. Ada suami yang selalu memberikan kata-kata jenaka setiap hari. Ada Allah yang senantiasa memberikan rezeki pada makhluk-Nya. 

Kekuatan dan support dari luar dan dalam membuat saya menemukan makna cantik dan glowing untuk diri sendiri. I’m beautiful… always… and so are you.